31 riddles (with answer) Best for kids and adults


Riddles represent the great means to make the brain busy while making it smarter are you searching For the fun way. To entertain your brain maybe you want to Bring your whole family in on the fun Today we have some clever and tricky riddles. For your kids (trust me, you also enjoy them too) Check out this 50 Riddles for your kids (with answers)

Top 31 riddles

Riddle which is faster hot or cold
Answer hot you can catch cold easily

Riddles What has teeth but can't eat?
Answer  A comb

Riddles Which table does not have legs?
Answer vegetable

Riddle What type of dog never bite?
Answer hot dog

Riddle What do Tiger have that no animal have
Answer baby tigers

Riddle What man cannot live inside a house?
Answer snowman

Riddle what question can you never answer yes to?
 Answer Are you dead?

Riddle, what is the smallest room in the world?
Answer mushroom

Riddle forward I'm heavy. Backward I am not what am  I?
Answer ton

Riddle, what is this? You can hold more than few seconds 
Answer your breath

Riddle whats green but not leaf copy other but not the monkey
Answer a parrot

Riddles we are the brother from the same mother but we never met.
Answer day and night

Riddle it can see but is its not eye what is it?
Answer Key hole

Riddle I can carry lot of food but cannot eat.
Answer the refrigerator

Riddle you serve me but can't eat me.
Answer tennis ball

Riddle I have many hearts, but no other organ
Answer deck of playing cards

Riddle what has a face and two hand but no arm or leg
Answer clock

Reddle What is the easiest way to double your money?
Answer put in the front of mirror.

Riddle what has a Thumb and four fingers but not alive 
answer the glove

 Riddle What has to be broken before using it?
Answer egg

Riddle what has a neck but do not have had
Answer the bottle

Riddle What get wetter as it's dry?
Answer the towel

Riddle what goes up and doesn't come down. 
Answer your age

Riddle what's belong to you But you don't use that others use that 
answer your name.

Riddle everyone has it and no one can lost it. What is that 
answer the shadow

Riddle which tyre does not move when car turns right
Answer the spare tire.

Riddle which word is written increctly in dictionary
Answer the word incorrect

Riddles people buy me to eat me but never eat me 
Answer plate

Riddle Who makes move while sitting?
Answer chess player

Riddle The more you take out the bigger is it
Answer pit

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